Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Success..... Sort of!

So I was in touch with the lady in charge of the United Way here in Stillwater and and over the past two days of conversations she gave me 3-4 different places that I can volunteer at.  All are lovely places that I know very much value volunteers and that is how they stay running.

Sheri and I talked about Habitat Re-Store and Elite Repeat.

Elite Repeat takes gently used clothing, household items, furniture, and other items.  They clean them up, press them and then sell them at a low cost to the public.  All of the proceeds go to local charities including: Stillwater Community Health Center, Mission of Hope, Stillwater Domestic Violence Services and others.

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store needs volunteers to help process items, price items, help customers find products, etc.  All money raised at the Re-Store go to help build homes for needy families in our community.

She also mentioned Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue.  This non-profit group's mission is to save kittens and find good homes for them.  They need volunteers to help with fundraisers and public awareness events from now through April.  While this sounds like a very nice place to volunteer, it doesn't really help that I don't like cats.

I chose to help with the Payne County Youth Services.  

This United Way partner agency works with at risk children and youth and their families.  They provide counseling, support groups, and even a shelter for the kiddos to stay at short term.  I have left a message with the lady in charge so that I can speak with her to see what I would be able to help with, such as office work, fund raising and organizing projects.  I sure hope this works out and I am able to help them!

I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend!  I will be working my father-in-laws booth selling soap made out of goat milk at the Medieval fair in Norman.  

Monday, March 28, 2011


It's been a couple of weeks since I updated last.  With Spring Break and an Academic Awards Banquet we are throwing at work life has been nuts!  The list has been kind of hard lately b/c we have been broke.  I'm super afraid that I'm not going to make the list complete b/c of money and the resistance from my husband.  He's such a party pooper when it comes to things like dates with his wife and the drive in movies.  I am going to try and get as much done as I can though.  I hope all is well in your lives!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life of Meg's Mingle Monday!

So even though I'm a day late, I just participated in Life of Meg's Mingle Monday!

Mingle 240

I need to remember to go my every monday so I can follow someone new and see thier blog!

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Moving Right Along!

So my 25 before 25 has been moving right along! 

I have successfully started my blog and already updated it at least twice this month, go me! 

Kyle and I have already watched my first movie to start my 15 from IMDB’s Top 250.  We watched “The Sting” and I thought it was pretty good.  Kyle and I both agree that it reminds us of “Ocean’s 11” b/c of the chances that they take and the business they are in.  That is all I will say so that you can watch it on your own and I don’t spoil anything!

I’m in a wedding next weekend and then traveling to Kansas to visit family over spring break!  Once things slow down and we are back from Kansas I plan to find a community service that I can be involved in.

This week has been complete hell for me!  But watching the movie for My 25 before 25 sure helped me take some time for myself and be able to relax!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Follower!

I'm so thankful for wonderful friends!  I recieved notification of my first follower last night and I am so happy that "Life of Meg" is my first follower!  She's such a wonderful friend and such a positive young woman!  I'm so happy to have a great supporter to make sure I finish My 25 before 25. 

I've began getting things started for My 25 before 25 and will keep everyone updated!