My 25 Before 25

My 25 Before 25
Start date: Jan 15, 2011 End Date: Jan 15, 2012

Began, but still working on

1. Lose 20 lbs (0/20)

2. Massage on the beach

3. Picnic in the park with my husband

4. Spend the night under the stars 

5. Finish my honeymoon scrapbook and start/complete my wedding scrapbook (0/2) 
6. Pay off my car, best buy card & credit card (0/3)

7. Go on a date once a month with my husband (2/10)

8. Spend a full weekend away or a road trip with my sister

9. Donate 100,000 grains of rice at (3,000/100,000)
10. Take up and drive to someplace with my husband

11. Spend a vacation at a bed and breakfast with my husband

12. Find a house & job for me wherever Kyle ends up with a job (0/2)

13. Start a blog and update it at least 2x a month
14. Take a flower arranging class

15. Have a spa day!

16. Go away one weekend alone
17. Answer the 5000 question survey
18. Read 10 books on "The 100 Best English-Language Novels of all time" list (1/10)

19. Watch 15 of IMDB's "Top 250 Movies" that I haven't seen yet (1/15)
20. Find a community service to help with at least 2x a month

21. Take a midnight walk on the beach

22. Go to a drive in movie!

23. Go to the gun range again (or two or three times)

24. Go to a winery & wine tasting (0/2)
25. Live a healthier life of exercise and food
26. Have a huge birthday blowout!